Join us at our annual Angel Fest Fall Investor Rally during Twin Cities Startup Week. We heard from angels that they want more opportunities to look at local deals together. So let’s do it!
We’ll hear pitches from 5 local startups from a variety of industries, showcasing a great cross-section of Minnesota’s ecosystem. The pitches will be short and quippy, with plenty of time to network with other early-stage investors and directly meet the founders. But this isn’t a pageant, showcase, or competition (no participation ribbons here!)…these are real opportunities.
Pitching companies to be announced soon!
Free parking lot surrounding the 1414 Marshall St. building.
Additional free overflow street parking is available along Marshall St. and throughout neighborhood side streets.
1. Map to 1414 Marshall St. NE.
2. Go through the gate to the left of the building and around the back to the riverside entry. DO NOT go to the Veranex/ Fusion Hill entry at the front of the building.
3. Look for the red door and enter Studio 1414.
4. We will be there to greet you!
Venture casual – this means comfortable yet polished clothing that is suitable for a relaxed & professional environment. You’ll likely see everything from cool sneakers, high heels, Patagonia vests, and possibly even a suit or two.
Beta Showcase: We encourage you to also check out the BETA Showcase highlighting founders in their latest cohort which will be taking place directly after this event. Check out their website for more details as they’re announced (https://www.beta.mn).
Unpack the Pitch: Join the Groove Team as we unpack and analyze the deals from the Angel Fest Fall Investor Rally. This is a great opportunity to get inside the head of a startup investors and to better understand how they analyze potential investment opportunities!